727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Welcome to Parkview!

Parkview Presbyterian Church, a member of PC USA, is an intercultural caring community in the heart of Sacramento, California. Our story is extraordinary: a Christian community founded by Japanese immigrants was torn apart by World War II but rebuilt itself to become home to a variety of ethnic groups and an incubator for cross-cultural ministry. If you believe it is a crucial Christian mission to build genuine, diverse families of faith committed to those in need of care, please come and join us!

The Wideness of God’s Mercy

In my final semester in seminary, I learned a Hebrew word that has stuck with me – ‘hesed.’ ‘Hesed’ is translated as ‘steadfast love, mercy, and faithfulness,’ which all describe the enduring qualities of God. ‘Hesed’ describes a sense of love and loyalty that inspires merciful, compassionate behavior toward others.
At the Inaugural Prayer Service at Washington’s National Cathedral on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, Episcopal Bishop Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde implored President Donald Trump to have mercy upon the people in our country who are “scared now,” families with LGBTQ+ members, immigrants who may not have the proper documentation, and children, who fear for their lives. She was pleading for mercy, for humane, compassionate treatment for all people, especially the vulnerable ones, she said, for they are all our neighbors.
May we join our prayer with Bishop Budde’s, for God’s mercy, God’s steadfast love and faithfulness, to touch and transform every heart, so that our country becomes united in a willingness to care for all, and in commitment to dignity, truth, and humility. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
– Rev. Dr. Sarah Nave

Click here to view Bishop Budde’s sermon. (Her plea for mercy comes during the final four minutes of her sermon.)
Click here to read the statement by the PC (USA) Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice supporting Bishop Budde.