727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Welcome to Parkview!

Parkview Presbyterian Church, a member of PC USA, is an intercultural caring community in the heart of Sacramento, California. Our story is extraordinary: a Christian community founded by Japanese immigrants was torn apart by World War II but rebuilt itself to become home to a variety of ethnic groups and an incubator for cross-cultural ministry. If you believe it is a crucial Christian mission to build genuine, diverse families of faith committed to those in need of care, please come and join us!

Benefit Concert for Ukraine is July 7

Igor Veligan and Natsuki Fukasawa will perform sonatas for violin and piano by Richard Strauss and Francis Poulenc to help raise funds for summer camps for children and young adults. This is a fundraising concert open to the public without fee. Please invite your family and friends!