727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Mar 24, 2020: In Sickness and In Health

“… for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death do us part.”

These words, or some other form, may be familiar to us all as the traditional marriage vows in the church. When two people are joined in holy matrimony, they commit to the challenge and promise of unconditional love. The order to shelter in place may bring about new struggles for us in our relationships. Whether you are living with a spouse or, like me, find yourself with a “partner for the quarantine” in the form of a roommate, friend, or family member, the words “in sickness and in health” are becoming more important every day.

As quarantine partners, Rola and I had a serious conversation about how we would take care of each other if either one of us becomes sick. While we are praying every day for our health, it is important to talk about the practical ways we will commit to care for one another. We discussed our insurance, how we share our physical space, and how we can spend quality time together, such as watching television together or going for a hike outdoors. We talked about which hospital we could go to, and how we would get there, if things got serious.

And while I’m hoping we will never need this information, the conversation allowed me to see that I have a friend and partner who is here for me, who I love dearly. 

And friends, whether you are married, or whether you are not married (like me!) I hope you will find relationships of this depth in the church. Because marriage is just one model used to express our covenantal love with God and one another. The vows we share in one baptism reflect the same love. Here is the vow from the Book of Common Worship that the congregation takes whenever we baptize a new member:

We promise to guide and nurture you by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging you to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of Christ’s church.

May we live into the promise of these vows we have made, and may God strengthen and renew us this day. Amen.
