727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Apr 5, 2020: Evening Prayer

Ordinarily, we try to post our devotionals every day before noon. Devotionals are a wonderful way to start our day with a word from scripture or a prayer. It can give us the inspiration we need to face a new day.

But today, I wanted to share one of my favorite evening prayer traditions with you. This can be adapted for use at home, alone or with family. In seminary, I gathered each Monday for Holden Evening Prayer with the Lutheran group. The prayer service is mostly sung, which I love! (In fact, the benediction I sing comes from this evening prayer.)

The service begins with the words “Jesus Christ, You are the light of the world; the light no darkness can overcome; stay with us now for it is evening, and the day is almost over. Let your light scatter the darkness, and shine within your people here.”

As evening comes, sometimes my anxieties peak. I don’t know what it is about the absence of light, but the world can feel scarier. On a rainy day like today, I am searching for light. I need the reminder that Christ is our light. Praying before bed is a wonderful way to calm the anxieties and reconnect with God, no matter what the day has brought us. What a sweet comfort it is to rest in the loving protection of our God.

The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end. Amen.

Order for Compline
