727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Apr 06, 2020: Endings and Perspectives!

There is a song that I love by the most famous Lebanese singer of all time: Fairuz. When I was a teenager, our neighbor had a discotheque shop and he gave me all of her albums. We didn’t have youtube at the time. The only version of that song that I ever knew is the one he gave me and sadly the last minute of the song was interrupted and all you could hear is noise. So, I never knew how the song ends and couldn’t have expected what its ending is like. Years later, I heard a complete version of that song on YouTube and it is amazing what an ending can do to a song. It is amazing what an ending can do. Period.

Let me ask you, how many of you wish they can put an ending to an event that happened in their lives? How many of us yearn for a closure? How many are thinking about it right now? An ending to all this fiasco the world is living.

Endings are as important as beginnings. Every story, every book, every relationship needs a closure because none of us enjoys being hung up in the air. And neither did the first Christians. They lived with Jesus, then they lost Jesus, they experienced his presence again after his death and for each of these events, they told multiple stories. Soon their journey with him on earth was coming to an end and they needed a closure. With that comes to us the celebration of Holy Week, the last week of the life of Jesus and the closure to his earthly ministry.

I am very fulfilled spiritually with the way we walked this Lenten journey together as a community, in Bible studies, and interactions over daily devotions and sermons, and looking forward to celebrating this last and holiest week of the life of our Savior together with you.