727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Apr 10, 2020: Consummatum Est

Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

(John 19:30)

It is finished


It is finished

This can’t be happening

It is finished


It is finished

This can’t be real

It is finished

I’m not ready
The world’s not ready
Your mother’s not ready
We are not ready
You can’t leave

It is finished

Has the world gone mad?
How did we get here?
How did you get here?
You brought love and peace and healing
This doesn’t make sense!

It is finished

This isn’t how this story is supposed to end
This isn’t how your life is supposed to end

It is finished

This is a nightmare
I can’t believe this happening
How did we get here?
You, between two common criminals
You’re not a criminal
I don’t get this

It is finished

Stop saying that!
These words ring in my ears
These words clang in my head
These words reverberate all around us
And shakes the earth’s foundations

It is finished

Such torture
Maybe it is best that you go
Go – go in peace
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you
You said those words once
Maybe you need to go now to your peace

It is finished

But I don’t want you to go!
I’m not ready!
We have more work to do.
You have more work to do 
I can’t believe this is happening
You’re leaving and all I can do is watch
Sounds of weeping and wailing fill my ears

It is finished

The sky grows dark
The earth shakes
The rocks crack
The curtain tears

It is finished


It is finished

(breath exhales)