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Apr 23, 2020: The Little Things That Matter

In the book “The Noticer” by Andy Andrews, Jones, a wise old man speaks to Henry, a younger teenager saying: “A squirrel climbed onto the Metro-North Railroad power lines near New York City. He set off an electrical surge, which weakened an overhead bracket. The bracket allowed a wire to dangle toward the tracks. The wire tangled in a train that tore down all the lines. As a result, forty-seven thousand commuters were stranded in Manhattan for hours that evening. And I bet it wasn’t even a big squirrel! Little things do matter!” (Right?!!!)

Friends, how are you doing? Really, how are you? It’s been a month since we started adapting to this new way of living. Have you found a way to keep some routine? Were you able to create workout routines that are alternative to your gym classes? Are you able to call those you cannot visit? Ironically, life started to feel “normal” for most of us. So what are the little things that are making a difference for you? for me, it is a piece of cake I receive every Thursday, a zoom dance party I got invited to, a handmade mask I received in the mail, and a bag of almonds left at my door.

Little things do matter. They matter to us, and they matter to God.

Paul says to the Galatians: A little leaven leavens the whole lump. (5:9) We live in times where we can hardly do the things that we need to do, and we might ask how can we influence the society when we can barely leave our homes. The answer is little things.

In a phone call with Daisy last week, she said to me “Prayer is the only thing that can keep us going right now.” Prayer may not be the only thing we can do, some of us may be able to do more, but if prayer was all you can do for others at this time then what a huge gift you can offer. Yet, it is a little thing.

So friends, let us take a little time to do one little things today.