727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

May 9, 2020: Walking Humbly

I was reflecting last night with Rola about the many images we had used over our lives to understand God. Images can be helpful– the Bible depicts God as a king, a lion, a pillar, a fortress, and a military commander; a father and a mother; a lover; a sculptor, and so on. But images can also be stumbling blocks. The Bible warns against the distortion of any one image for God into an “idol”. When we flatten the complexity of the Divine to fit our needs, we deny God in our lives.

Unfortunately, the word idol is one of those words which can carry baggage for many Christians who have been taught it is a sin to enjoy the gifts of God. While most of us do probably face the idols of money, success, and self-importance, I think the most dangerous idol of all can be our certainty around faith. Now, I don’t say this to discourage your faith! We ought to have boldness and confidence.

Yet the scriptures challenge us to remain open to the Spirit’s movement in our lives of faith. 1 Peter calls believers “living stones”. I like to imagine this means we stand on a solid foundation but have the ability to grow and change, building something new and beautiful with the strength of our foundation in Christ, our cornerstone.

What images of God fill you with faith and hope? Which images do you need to let go of? God invites us to walk humbly with Him (or Her… or Them!) as we grow into the promises of faith. May you draw a little nearer to God this day and always. Amen.
