727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

May 16, 2020: Rule of Life

Street, Wilderness, Lonely, Misty, Nature, Road

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With the LORD at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:6-8

Early on in the shelter-in-place order, when many people were working from home for the first time, I saw plenty of articles going around social media encouraging people to make a daily schedule to help organize their lives. Busy with work, I rolled my eyes and pushed on. Boy, do I feel stupid now! Two months into this new lifestyle, I found myself taking stock: What things in my life are bringing my joy, drawing me closer to God, and helping me grow? And which things are bad habits that perpetuate stress, anxiety, and exhaustion?

In the history of the church, many Christians have set out to create a rule of life with the aim of flourishing in relationships to God, others, creation, and the self. One of the most famous rules of life was written by St. Benedict. It outlined the common life in the monastery. While some of the rules could be quite strict (they forbade laughing and talking during meals!) they served as a boundary for the good life. In our modern lives, we had become used to living lives with few boundaries. Now is an opportunity for us to rediscover the boundaries which can help us lead lives which honor God and make good use of the gifts God has given us, gifts of time, talents, and possessions. I like to think of it like the guard rail pictured above. It reminds us to stay on the path before us and keeps us from falling.

What boundaries do you need in your life? Are you making time for prayer? Are you connecting with others? If you can’t go outside, are you getting the sunlight you need, and taking care of your health in other ways? Take some time to reflect on these questions. It may be helpful to consider writing your own rule of life, with your family, a partner, or by yourself. By setting these boundaries, you may be amazed by how God will transform your life!

Blessings on the journey,


For more on the Rule of St. Benedict, you can read here.