727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

May 27, 2020: Stop for Prayer

When I worked in Trenton, NJ, our congregation had a cool ministry called “Stop for Prayer” where they would bring coffee to the nearby bus stops and talk with neighbors and offer to pray with them. Many people were regulars, and it warmed their day to have a cup of coffee and know someone in their community cared about them. For the church members, it was a way to practice loving their neighbors and sharing God’s love in the world.

Hamburg, Town Hall, Clock Tower, High Noon, Building

Recently, when our prayer team invited the church to pray every day at 12 pm noon, I decided to accept the invitation to “stop for prayer”. The first few days, I kept missing noon! Then I added an alarm to my phone. It makes the same sound as the AME church down the street: Peals of church bells followed by twelve steady chimes.

Whereever I am, and whatever I am doing, I know I can take a moment to stop for prayer. Occasionally I have been on the phone or with another person. I invite them to join me. This has been a joy for me in this season, as the daily pattern of prayer grounds me in the love of this community. My noontime prayer always focuses on the needs of our church. There’s a good chance I have prayed for you by name. I am amazed at how much is on my heart once I start praying.

And here is the best part: I know during my noontime prayer that others are praying with me, too! I always thank God for uniting us in prayer together when we are apart.

Today, think about how you can be praying for our church community. Here are a few ideas:

  • What prayer requests did I hear this past Sunday in worship?
  • Who do I miss from church? How can I pray for them?
  • What am I most thankful for about Parkview?
  • How do I hope Parkview will grow?
  • How is God calling and guiding us as a church?

Remember, there is no one right way to pray. Allow the Spirit to surprise you with where your heart and mind are drawn. Listen for how God may be calling you to act– perhaps by reaching out to others or stepping up to lead in a new way.

In Christ,
