727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

June 05, 2020: A Pentecost Moment

Last Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost which is the day we remember the birth of the Church.  It’s a time of celebration and joy because the disciples were so full of energy because they realized they were creating a movement – the Christian movement.

Right now there is an energy in our country and it is a Pentecost moment where everyone is coming together because there is a renewed movement for equal rights for ALL people.  May we lean into this historical moment, however we can, and call out, speak out, yell out, pray out loud “Come Holy Spirit, come!  Move within us and through us!”

A Pentecost prayer

Spirit of truth:
guide us into all the truth;
consume the lies
that shroud the world in hate;
pray in us
with sighs too deep for words;
and let the victim’s voice ring out
with hope for a new world;
through Jesus Christ, who goes to the right hand of God.

(From Steven Shakespeare, Prayers for an Inclusive Church)