727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

June 11, 2020: Prayer for these Days

Friends, we need to take some time in lament remembering our brothers and sisters who have died and also reflecting on our role in making things right in the future. Let’s pray:

“Living God, we confess to You our failure to live as brothers and sisters, and as your children.

We confess our desire to own and subjugate and control each other. 

We confess and lament the barriers we have built, intentionally or unintentionally, Barriers that divide race from race, barriers that divide rich from poor, barriers that divide men and women, young and old, educated and non educated and barriers that divide the Christian family.

Confront us, God, with the hidden prejudices and fears that deny and betray our prayers. 

Enable us to see the causes of strife, and remove from us all senses of superiority. 

Enable us to make those hard conversations without which there shall be no healing to Your broken body. 

Teach us to grow in unity with all God’s children by turning towards our neighbors and our friends with the spirit of repentance. 

Reconcile us to you and to each other in sisterhood and love.”

Take some time of silent confessions and meditation and think about these words.