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June 18, 2020: By the Oaks of Mamre

Last Sunday Pastor Pamela preached on Genesis 18:1-15, (21:1-7), and she told us about the Oaks of Mamre. I came across this beautiful poem, called “By the Oaks of Mamre,” and I would like to share it with you.

“Stay awhile, O Stranger,
for the night has been long and cruel
and our souls are not yet wrung dry from weeping.

Stay awhile, O Stranger,
for the fires are raging on cultic altars
built to sacrifice precious fruit to ravenous gods.

Stay awhile, O Stranger,
for the day has burned our eyes
with violence against your holy blessings.

Stay awhile, O Stranger,
for the heavy dust of inhospitality and racism
must be washed from our feet and picked from our toes.

Stay awhile, O Stranger,
for the moon rises on our endurance
and the candles of hope must be relit and shared.

Stay awhile, O Stranger,
for your impossible stories make us laugh
and laugh until joy looses our bonds and sets us free.

Stay awhile, O Stranger,
until dawn finds us toasting to life
with overflowing cups of wisdom and peace.”

The Poem is written By Rachel G. Hackenberg and on her blog.