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July 2, 2020: Prayer for Digital Worship

This Sunday, your pastoral team takes a break along with hundreds of clergy around the nation, and we leave you in good hands, Rev. Cindy Kohlmann from the General Assembly office has put together a beautiful worship service for all PCUSA churches to attend. (Details in the Friday newsletter)

I came across this prayer for the beginning of a digital worship service Written by Julia Seymour and I wanted to share it with you, hoping that you can pray it before upcoming worship services and as a reminder that there are so many ways for us to encounter and be touched by the Holy.

“We are gathered together by the Holy Spirit and the gifts of technology.
Though the technology may fail, the Spirit will not.
Those who are drawn together by the Spirit’s power can never truly be apart.
They cannot be separated from the love of God or from one another.
May we experience the peace and consolation of the Spirit today in our time together.
May we be stirred, like the waters at the beginning, into a new creation.
May we praise and pray to our God, who is faithful and loving in all times and places. Amen.”