727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

July 22, 2020: A New Day

Today is a new day.

The LORD has spoken “Behold, I make all things new”.

The first moments of the day hold something precious.

Possibility. Newness. Transformation.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow has not yet arrived.

God’s mercies are new every morning.

May we have the wisdom to receive the gifts for this day.

When I was a student in confirmation class at my church growing up, I imagined God standing at a white board with a list of my past mistakes and wiping it clean each day. As a conscientious and self-critical child, this image was comforting to me. Even when I messed up, a new day represented new opportunities to amend my life. The morning is a time when we can rejoice in the new opportunities God has given us.

Years ago, in my college dorm room, I awoke every morning the same way. I opened the curtains to let in the sun and prayed a prayer written by Macrina Wiederkher, a Benedictine sister and author. May this prayer be a blessing to you today:

O SOURCE OF MORNING’S BRIGHTNESS, As new light streams out of the darkness, we open wide our hearts to the healing light of your Encircling Presence. Open our eyes to the opportunities this day has to offer. Surprise us with small joys and pieces of beauty scattered through the hours. O Beautiful Presence, help us this day to taste the joy of being awake. May this simple prayer come true in our lives today. AMEN!