727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

July 27, 2020: If Jesus gave us parables … why do we respond with creeds?

Veronica did a great job yesterday explaining how the parables were Jesus’s way of teaching and reaching as many people as possible. When I came across this beautiful rendering of the apostles’ creed I couldn’t but relate it to yesterday’s scriptures. Enjoy it!

Parabler’s Creed

I believe in God, the Hen All-Sheltering,
Creator of mustardseed and yeast;
and in Jesus the Vine, Door, and Living Water
who was conceived by the Wind,
born of the Magnifier,
suffered under a builder of bigger barns,
burst the old wineskins,
died like the least of every generation,
and was hidden like treasure.

Jesus met those in the pig-yard;
and the third day was found
by those who kept oil for their lamps;

Jesus ascended into the (Zoom) wedding banquet,
and sits at the right hand of the Shepherd
(with the beggar at the gate on the other side
and a dog curled at their feet;)
from thence Jesus comes 
to the hungry, thirsty, strangers, convicts,
and COVID patients on ventilators.

I believe in the Dove and the Flame,
the abundant but stinking Fishnet
(OK there’s looking at you — Church),
the Inn a Samaritan trusts,
a ring, sandals, fatted Beyond burger for all of us,
equal pay for all the workers in the vineyard,
and a Holy Lost and Found
of coins, sheep and remarkable pearls.

This blog is found on Gifts in Open Hands.