727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

July 29, 2020: Fill-in-the-Blanks Devotional

When I was a kid, I used to play Mad Libs with my brother and sisters. We had a blast filling in the blanks of a story and seeing how ridiculous we could make it. Now, in my adult life, filling in the blanks tends to be a lot more mundane. I have given my personal information to websites, stores, doctors, dating apps, colleges, and gyms by filling in the blanks. Filling in the blanks is often so familiar that we turn on autopilot. My computer even tries to fill in the blanks for me!

But God has given us the gifts of wisdom and insight, discernment and imagination. So today, I challenge you to fill in the blanks of the paragraph below and see how God is speaking into your life. I believe God has a word for each of us today, and that word is unique. Listen for what the Spirit is saying to you, O church!

God’s word for me today comes from the (book/letter) of ______________ , the ______ chapter. As I turn to this scripture, I am hoping to find ______________ for the day ahead. I have to _____________ , __________________, and _____________ so I need to pause and connect with God. I’m feeling __________ about my faith lately. This might be because __________________ or maybe _____________. No matter what I am feeling, God has promised to hear my prayers. To be completely honest, I think ___________________ need(s) prayer today. And also _______________. I will pray for them by ____________________. Even thought so many things are wrong in the world, I’m grateful for _______________ and _________________. I wonder how I can honor God today in my life? Oh, I know! I will __________________.

God of great wisdom, yesterday’s wisdom may not be sufficient for the day ahead, and the wisdom of tomorrow has not yet arrived. Teach us what You would have us learn for this day alone.