727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Jul 30, 2020: Checking In

Friends, how are you feeling? Another month nears its end, we have lost a beloved member, COVID hit our first Parkview member and we are all worried about our elderly. If I am honest, I’ve had better days, better months, better summers… To describe where I am right now, I borrow Jesus’s words; I feel poor in spirit!

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

For those of us whose spirits aren’t quite stellar due to our current situation in quarantine, this scripture reminds us that souls are messy sometimes.  Spirits take a dive and lack nourishment – even after some self-care time.  And when our spirits do not have enough energy for today, we get up and try again tomorrow.

But if like me, your anxiety prevents you from sleeping, tomorrow might not feel exactly better. This is when we need the assurance and reminder of the scriptures: Blessed are we when our spirits are down for, then, we are children of the kingdom.

Friends, in our messiness, we are still a part of God’s kingdom as well as our families and communities and churches – even when our spirits are drained and our lives are chaotic. Thanks be to the king.

God, remind me that I have a place in Your kingdom, with all my fear, all my pain and brokenness. And that, in time, Your Spirit will take care of me and my messy spirit.