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Aug 6, 2020: Does God Watch the News?

Today marks 75 years since the nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Aug 06, 1945, a day history will never forget! Aug 04, 2020, is another date history will commemorate, as one of the biggest non-nuclear blasts in the world happened in Beirut, Lebanon.

Friends, I have no words to express my feelings right now. I simply leave you with a photo of Beirut port after the explosion, and the words of Psalm 60: 1-3. Pray for my country!

You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us;
    You have been angry—now restore us!
 You have shaken the land and torn it open;
    mend its fractures, for it is quaking.
 You have shown your people desperate times;
    You have given us wine that makes us stagger.

Prayer: We need hope O God! Send Your hope. We need healing; send Your healing. We need peace; be with us Prince of peace.