727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Aug 10, 2020: And He Healed Them All!

But Jesus, aware of this, withdrew from there. Many followed Him, and He healed them all..(Matthew 12:15)

I remember hearing my grandma with her simple faith repeating aloud “may God heal every ill.” I do not know how much she meant it. Was it just something she said? Did she actually pray that prayer when she sat alone with God and thought about EVERY SINGLE person with illness?

I like to pray and to encourage people to pray for others by name. To think about a certain person and their specific needs. It is very intimate and assuring to know that God does exactly that. It was life changing to me to learn this concept that God cares about me personally, and knows me personally; knows my heart and really understands what I am going through.

This belief makes it even more meaningful to read Matthew’s accounts of ‘mass healings.’ On more than one occasion, the Evangelist will tell us that a crowd came to Jesus and he healed them ALL. Or that Jesus went to a town and then healed EVERYONE who came to him. (4:24, 8:16; 9:35; 14:14, 36; 15:30, 19:2; 21:14…)

There are no questions, no concerns, no discrimination, no differentiation.. he just healed them ALL. How wonderful it is to think that every single person in need of healing today can get it! How needy are we of Jesus walking around our towns and healing every one who seeks him.

Today, we are invited to receive God’s healing with open hands and hearts, for it is free and abundant and offered to all.

Prayer: Take heart, he healed them ALL.