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Aug 17, 2020: It’s a New Day

“The Origin of Birds”By Nicole Callihan

For hours, the flowers were enough.

Before the flowers, Adam had been enough.

Before Adam, just being a rib was enough.

Just being inside Adam’s body, near his heart, enough.

Enough to be so near his heart, enough

to feel that sweet steady rhythm, enough

to be a part of something bigger was enough.

And before the rib, being clay was enough.

And before clay, just being earth was enough.

And before earth, being nothing was enough.

But then enough was no longer enough.

The flowers bowed their heads, as if to say, enough,

and so Eve, surrounded by peonies, and alone enough,

wished very hard for something, and the wish was enough

to make the pinecone grow wings; the wish was enough

to point to the sky, say bird, and wait for something to sing.

Prayer: God of new beginnings, You who speak and universes come into being, You who have enough grace and hope for everyone and every situation, You who bless us with beauty and laughter. Bless this new week for us and give us renewed hope. Amen.