727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Aug 31, 2020: Do You Want to Heal?

I cannot believe it is the last day of August! Where did summer go? As things slow down a little bit with my national involvement, I start to focus again on my mental health awareness project with Parkview. We will be exploring together throughout the month of October, our role as a church community in the healing process for those struggling with mental challenges.

In John 5: 1-18, Jesus finds a sick man and comes to him and asks him if he wants to be healed. This miracle will be the topic of our Bible study tomorrow and we will discuss it in more length. But for now I want to leave us with the image of Jesus seeking the man in need of healing. This image invites us to think that our role is to look out for those in need of healing and reach out to them rather than wait for them to come to us.

As we start this week, let us keep in mind that God found us first, and reached out to us first, and willed our healing. Let us open the eyes of our hearts to receive today, and be made whole.