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Sep 17, 2020: Look, Rainbow!

“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” Genesis 9:16

I read the verse of the day with more excitement as I looked at the air quality index that moved from purple (last weekend) to red in the last few days, to green today, though it was supposed to be yellow according to the forecast (and I am definitely not complaining).

I guess I used to take for granted being able to see the sky! These difficult times are indeed teaching us to appreciate so many free gifts that we always had in our lives, but that we never really acknowledged as gifts.
But now we look with new eyes, and we recognize that even the air we breathe is a gift from God.
God has set the rainbow as a sign of clearance after the storm; it is a very meaningful lesson that after every rain there is a rainbow.
So friends despite the unusually long duration of this storm we’re all in, let’s take heart because God promised a rainbow at the end of it.
Today, remember: the storm, flood and rainbow are quite literal for our siblings in other states; so when you look at the sky, do not miss the rainbow!

Prayer: God, as I wait for Your promise to be fulfilled I peek outside and smile, and for one moment, forget all that’s happening and cherish the gift of clean air. Thank You for the gift of breath and for free air.