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Sep 21, 2020: A Prayer for Covid Times

By Liz Crumlish

God give me grace
Grace in bucket loads
Grace to deal with rules and regulations
that make no sense
Grace to deal with the closing in
that comes from an institution in crisis
Grace to recognise my own stress reactions
that exacerbate already difficult times
Grace to stop and breathe
so that, in the midst of conflict
I may exhale peace
And, in the heat of irritation
I may exude calm
God, shower me with grace
Grace that dissipates resentment
Grace that soothes hurt
Grace that brings courage
to speak truth calmly, with love
Grace that always looks for good intentions
rather than seeing annoying bureaucracy
Grace that chooses gentle humour
rather than aggressive confrontation 
Grace that finds a way
and doesn’t fall at the first hurdle
Grace that hunkers down
and calls forth love
Grace that confounds every effort
to diminish the spark of God
in one whom God declares beloved.
Grace – enough – and more

— Adopted from revgalblogspa.org