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Sep 24, 2020: Kindness

“… I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD. Jer 9:24

I really needed to hear this as I feel like kindness has become rare and hard to find. We are all going through so much unasked for change; politically, socially, economically… life has become so tight.

These times have shown us that there is so little we can control in life, even in our own lives. As we sit and wait for a vaccine, and as we work and hope for change in other aspects of the society, there is one thing in fact that we still have control over, and that is practicing kindness. Kindness over control and longing for authority; kindness over feelings of resentment; kindness over discipline and lesson teaching; kindness despite our hardships; kindness despite our own negative feelings; kindness that spreads and radiates.

Kindness! Lord knows it’s hard, and requires a lot of patience but in it God delights!