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Sep 26, 2020: Anam Cara

“The LORD God said, it is not good for the man to be alone…” Genesis 2:18

The words for our spiritual forefather are still God’s word for us today. It is not good for us to be alone. God has created us to be social creatures, delighting in the company of others and relying on one another for our flourishing. In this isolated season of life, we may find ourselves trying to be more self-sufficient. But I am reminded of the Celtic tradition of anam cara, or the soul friend.

An anam cara is someone who you can share your soul with, someone you can be vulnerable with and really trust. Your anam cara walks alongside you in the journey of faith. They may encourage you or offer guidance. They may offer prayer or simply hold space for your story. It is not good for a human being to be alone. But an anam cara (or two or three…) can hold you in the tender care of God.

Whose friendship are you thankful for today? Who has been an anam cara to you? Take a moment to pray for their spirits and thank God for the wonderful gift of friendship.

Ideas for connecting with your anam cara while social distancing:

  • Talk on the phone
  • Send a postcard or letter
  • Go for a walk outside together (with masks!)
  • Share recipes to make together virtually
  • Read a book or watch a movie together