727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

October 6, 2020: Francis of Assisi Day

“So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing…and God saw that it was good.”  

Genesis 1:21


Last Sunday, Christians all around the world remembered our patron saint for the animals and environment, Francis of Assisi (d. 1221).  Over my career, I have been a part of congregations who have celebrated animal blessings because of this man’s love for all creatures.  He must have been such an amazing man and advocate that we remember his actions 800 years later. When I worked at the Cathedral, we blessed cats and dogs, birds and hamsters and even the occasional tortoise.  

When I worked at my church out in Esparto, I also had the blessing to bless cats and dogs and birds and family critters, but one such blessing was particularly special.  A woman brought her pregnant horse to the church for me to bless.  I cannot begin to tell you how touched I was by this experience.  

The mare was tall and brown with a white striped nose and black mane and tale. Her belly was so swollen with her baby inside her. I remember I wore my blue Geneva preaching robe that day and I glided my hands upon her belly.  I felt how tight her skin was.  I felt along the lumps and smoothness knowing that a little colt was ready to be born any day.  I remember the mare looking back at me and I at her – just two mothers having a moment. I put my ear upon her shoulder and gave her a blessing for a safe delivery, a healthy baby and gratitude for her beauty in the world.  

It was a sweet moment.  It was a moment that I had actually forgotten about until I remembered that it was Francis of Assisi week.  Thank God for St. Francis to remember the beautiful creatures that God has given us to love and care for and to connect with.  Truly, we are connected to all God’s creatures.  As the old hymn says:

All creatures of our God and King!
Lift up your voice and with us sing!

O praise Him, Alleluia!