727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Nov 4, 2020: A House Divided

Free verse poetry is a creative outlet that helps me express feelings too deep for traditional prose. I composed this poem while I contemplated what today and the days to come. No matter the results of the election, our country and the whole world is in deep need of prayer. I encourage you to consider who you can pray for and offer some love to today.
A House Divided

They couldn't speak
of politics
or current events

She distanced herself
from a former friend
until they had become strangers
and the memory of her stung like a splinter
lodged under her fingernail

He stopped calling home
his parents couldn't understand
why everything felt like a matter of life or death
and he had to bring up
"those issues" at family dinner

Can't we all just get along?

Their parents were divorcing
the yelling had been enough
but the silence was worse
they couldn't even recognize each other anymore

He boarded up his shop's windows
and she held her brother close,
wondering if he would be mistaken
for just another criminal

And the unemployment checks came
and went
And the rent was due
And they wondered if anyone cared about them at all

What's the point of politics anyway?

Her candidate wasn't on the ballot
and he wasn't permitted to vote
if she votes third party, will she bear the blame?

They stood in line
and did their time
knowing they would wake up
to a house divided

When all is said and done,
who will we have lost?

What will we have learned
about ourselves
and the ones we loved?

A house divided cannot stand for long.