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The Sun Still Shines, Nov 5, 2020

Dear Friends,

As I write this we sit in the midst of much anxiety and uncertainty as the pandemic still rages, our country is in deep political unrest, and racial justice seems elusive. But no matter how dark the storm clouds, no matter how strong the storm, the sun still shines. It’s light may be dimmed or hidden for a moment, but in time the clouds disperse and the sun shines through once again.

God’s love is that which always shines. Even when the times seem dark and the storms unending. God’s love is still that which is present and real and will eventually shine through it all. No matter what happens this November, politically or otherwise, it can do nothing to stop that great and ever present love.

May we remember that as we press on in the work we were given to be ambassadors of that light and love. No matter how dark the darkness the light will shine through it all.

‘The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.’ John 1:5

by Jeff Eddings, Coaching Associate 1001 NWC