727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

November 10, 2020: A Season for Healing

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”  

Ecclesiastes 3:1

It is clear that the United States is very divided in this vote and we are yet to be the United States of America.  Our President Elect quoted the book of Ecclesiastes Saturday night when he said that to everything there is a season and this is a season for healing. May we heal and come together and see one another for exactly who we are: a child of God.

Everlasting God, you have taught us
to search for you with all our heart and
to seek the welfare of the land where you have placed us.
Send your Spirit upon those who lead,
pour your wisdom on those who are elected,
and restore by your mercy all who are not chosen.

Through your same Spirit, visit your people
in the struggles that no vote can resolve;
show us where what you call from us is
love and forgiveness and mercy;
empower your church to overcome evil with good.

Since here we have no abiding city,
give us a yearning for the city that is to come.
Hasten the day
when all that would separate us from one another will fall away,
when we rejoice to enter that dwelling place
where you have chosen to be with us forever,
where all is redeemed in the presence of the Son
through the power of the Spirit, God most high Amen.

– Written by Sam Wells, Vicar at London’s St. Martin in the Fields
and former Dean of the Chapel at Duke; and Abby Kocher