727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Jun 2020

Rola writes: One of the hard things about writing a sermon is that you are not supposed to put in there all the Biblical research and study you’ve done while preparing. “But it’s all great information” I tend to think, “what a waste not to share it!” In seminary we used to call these our “dears,” because this  I will always remember Pastor Aart’s statement about a first version of my sermon: “they already know you are smart, you don’t need to prove it by putting an overwhelming amount of information in there.” Truth is, I LOVE biblical studies, the bible is so rich and fascinating, and studying biblical texts was one of the first things that attracted me to church. I forgot how much I love to share with others the beautiful practice of reading and analyzing the text. And I am so glad to finally have a platform to do that with the Parkview community. The Tuesday evening Bible Study time has been so meaningful to me as I know it is for many, and I want to express gratitude to those who are attending and enriching the conversation, while extending the invitation to those who have not had the chance to be part of this discussion yet. We need your voice.