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January 6, 2021: Happy 3 Kings Day!

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 

Matthew 2:1-2

January 6 is officially the 12thday of Christmas and the day when we commemorate the three kings who came to visit baby Jesus.  The Three Kings Day, also known as Dia de los Reyes, can sometimes be bigger than Christmas in many Latin countries around the world.  When my daughter was little, she used to fill her shoes with grass to help feed the camels when the three kings would come to her house.  We would put out sweets and wine for the kings to enjoy. 

The next morning we would find the grass strewn about her shoes and the glass of wine half drunk.  It was so exciting!  The kings and their camels showed up to our home!  The kings of course left her treats and it was another opportunity to talk to our little girl about the importance of Jesus coming into the world.  So much so, that even royalty came to seek him out!  It’s quite remarkable that Jupiter and Saturn recently lined up so that we could see what the Christmas star would have looked like for the three kings all those years ago.  Of all times that we have needed the Christmas Star to shine brightly in the darkness after 800 years, it has been this Christmas. When it’s dark, that’s when the stars shine the brightest.  And with this pandemic of darkness, it is the light of Jesus coming into the world that gives us that confidence that all will be and is going to be and forever shall be right with the world.  Why? Because the Light has come into the world and the darkness can never, ever, ever, ever overcome it.