727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

January 9, 2020: The Path We Walk

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

Early followers of Jesus called themselves “the Way”. Before there was any semblance of an institutional church, there was the Way. These early Christians shared a common life of prayer, fellowship, and justice. The scriptures tell us that they took care of one another’s needs and shared everything in common.

This past week, I had the opportunity to participate in an intensive seminar in evangelism and justice with Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Throughout the course, we took pauses to “dwell in the word”. We took turns reading passages from scripture in different translations, pausing for silent reflection, and sharing the insights that we found with the community. It was something I didn’t realize my spirit was hungry for. Even as a pastor, I sometimes find that I have not made adequate space for “dwelling in the word” in my own spiritual life.

Like Psalm 119 says, the word of God in the scriptures can be a guide and path for us in our lives. It can offer direction when we feel out of step with God’s path. It can help us to see “the Way”.

Where is your spiritual hunger today? Perhaps you are longing to spend time in prayer with God. Or maybe your soul needs connection with the loved ones God has given you in your life. Maybe you are longing to commit to works of justice and mercy. The longings in our spirits can be God’s gifts to us. Among all these longings, may you each experience the God-given longing to simply be and be loved. And may we know this longing is met in us through the love of Christ today. Amen.