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January 27, 2021: Drummer Girl

“Praise God with the clash of cymbals, praise God with resounding cymbals!”

Psalm 150:5

As many of you know, Hach Yasumura sends out emails with interesting news, flyers, upcoming events and educational videos. He recently sent out a fun video of a 6 year old little girl playing the drums. There’s just some days when you don’t want to hear about politics, or grief or what’s wrong the world. Sometimes you just want to celebrate what’s right with the world and trust me…there is way more good than bad! I am reminded by the psalmist who once said, “Praise God with the clash of cymbals, praise God with resounding cymbals!” (Psalm 150:5) Well, this little girl is giving praise through the clashing of cymbals, resounding cymbals, snare drums and a big bass drum! I wish I could play drums like her and she is inspiring to just be in the zone and loving life. May we find this kind of joy and praise every day. So my dear friends, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150:6)