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Feb 4, 2021: Presbytery Devotional #2

Reflection II

“So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash
one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have
done to you.” (John 13:14-15)

The gospel writer tells about what Jesus did as the disciples gathered at a farewell dinner before the Passover, and before he was betrayed. John 13:1-17 is the only time this appears in scripture, when Jesus tied a towel around himself, poured water into a basin, washed the disciples feet, and wiped them with the towel. It was an act of servanthood.

Servanthood is the inescapable theme of discipleship. Jesus even washed the feet of the betrayer. Our feet touch the earth, symbolically we touch this fallen world of systemic structures and institutions, caught up even ourselves in injustices of one kind or another that require forgiveness and reconciliation.

As we participate in the community of faith as the Body of Christ, and symbolically wash each other’s feet, we engage in acts of cleansing and forgiveness and reconciliation as servants one to another. Jesus subverted the hierarchical structures, replacing them with horizontal relationships with himself and his disciples. That new paradigm brought about an argument from Peter, who was adamant in his hierarchically ordered cultural perspective. He first refused Jesus to wash his feet. Jesus’ reply makes the significance of washing indispensable to membership in the new community of God’s people. Peter then wants to be washed by Jesus. There is much to learn in being followers of Jesus, as servants with him to bring God’s forgiveness and reconciliation with one another and to the world. It is our discipleship.

How would you describe your ministry’s story? Is there a counter-narrative coming from those you serve?

This is the second of five devotionals intended for reflection published by the North Central California Presbytery as part of the Connectional Revitalization process. We invite you to share your reflections with us by emailing pastor@parkviewpc.org and pastoralresident@parkviewpc.org.