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February 10, 2021: Year of the Ox

“Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox come abundant harvests.”

Proverbs 14:4

Instead of having our regular weekly bible study, last night we celebrated the Lunar New Year that is to take place this Friday night. We had a Year of the Ox party and it was so much fun! Veronica made a Jeopardy style game of questions about oxen in the bible, famous people born in the Year of the Ox, lunar questions and so on.  It was so much fun with a lot of laughter and yelling out of answers.  I was even able to change my filter so that I looked like an ox and could celebrate the Lunar New Year with some flair! (LOL)

I don’t know about you all, but I am ready for a Year of the Ox.  I am ready for this Ox to come in and bulldoze and clean out this virus and to make way and clear paths for all to get back together. I am ready for normalcy to be the norm again.  According to Japan Times, what we can expect from the Year of the Ox is hard work, positivity and honesty.  That’s a pretty nice trifecta.  And according to Proverbs 14:4 it says, “From the strength of an ox comes abundant harvests.” This year will be a year of strength, hope, gentleness, honesty and abundant harvests.  It has already begun with a new administration, with holding people in high positions to accountability, with more and more people receiving vaccinations and the hope that the world will be opened by the end of this year. This…is going to be a great year full of abundant harvests. Happy Year of the Ox everyone!

If you want to know more about the Year of the Ox go to: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2021/01/01/lifestyle/2021-year-ox/

Were you born in the Year of the Ox? 

1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021…