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February 15, 2021: Will you Be Mine?

“You shall be mine, says the Lord.”

Malachi 3:17

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I always find this to be a special time of year. This was one of my favorite holidays as a child. I remember when I was in first grade and I was in Mrs. Miles class at Alice Burney Elementary School. I remember getting so excited when I saw her walk into the classroom and she was carrying big red construction paper down the center aisle and to her desk. We finished the tasks of English and math and now the fun part was to come. Now we got to do…art.

She announced to us that we were now going to make Valentine hearts which would hold all of the valentine cards that we would receive on Valentine’s Day. I was so, so, so excited! I made my red heart big with pink accents of construction paper and flowers. I wrote my name in big kid scrawly letters: PAM. I remember going to the store with my mom and picking out the valentine cards that I wanted to give to my fellow classmates. And I remember writing all of their names on their valentines and feeling so proud of my accomplishment. Then the big day came when we were able to deliver the valentine cards that said, “Will You Be Mine?” and “Yours Truly”. And candy hearts that said “Be Cool” and “Forever True”. It was at the end of the day and we all roamed the classroom to deliver our cards to our friends. I could not wait to get home after school to read the small cards with all of the loving messages and cartoon characters from my friends. And of course as a little six year old, I devoured my candy! Isn’t it great to receive notes of love and affirmation? I think that’s why social media and written letters and emails are so important. We scan and search for notes of love and encouragement everyday that fill us with joy and affirmation. It’s really special when someone gives a message of love just to us. And in the book of Malachi, know that God has given a special valentine just for you. “You shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts.” I also like the way Eugene Peterson translates it, “You’re mine! All mine!” So my dear friends of Parkview on those days when you may feel low or lonely or not loved or unworthy. Remember at the core of your being that you belong to God and that you’re God’s favorite valentine. Ahhhhhh love…it’s nice to be wanted and loved to the core.