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February 22, 2021: Black History Month

“God has shown thee, o people, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee; to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.”

Micah 6:8
Hach Yasumura sent an email out to the community from the Japanese American Memorial Pilgrimages. To celebrate Black History Month, they have been highlighting some of the African American allies that supported the Japanese American community. Here is one below on Hugh Ellwood MacBeth.

Mr. Macbeth was born and raised in South Carolina until he moved to Los Angeles, California in 1913 to open a law firm. His firm served the African American community in court, challenging segregation and housing laws. Then… in 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed. Angered by the unjust arrests and incarceration of JAs following the bombing, Mr. Macbeth organized support across the nation in defense of the community. Although his efforts to stop the signing of EO 9066 were unsuccessful, for the remainder of the war, Mr. Macbeth continued to fight against the injustice committed by the US govt. Following the war Hugh MacBeth would assist in the Oyama v. California case, which would end the enforcement of the Alien Land Act that had hurt the JA community for decades.