On Sunday, January 12, 2025, Parkview invited children’s author Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson to read her endearing book, “The Mochi Makers.” After the reading, mochi makers, from the tiniest to the tallest, from beginners to the experienced, all had their hand at making mochi. Many thanks go to Steve Lee and Lynn Yamamoto for discovering the book and author, to Jana Nakase-Lee and several volunteers for coordinating the mochi making, and to Kris Sazaki for the photos.
Last Updated: January 24, 2025 by Office Manager
“The Mochi Makers” is a Big Hit at Parkview
On Sunday, January 12, 2025, Parkview invited children’s author Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson to read her endearing book, “The Mochi Makers.” After the reading, mochi makers, from the tiniest to the tallest, from beginners to the experienced, all had their hand at making mochi. Many thanks go to Steve Lee and Lynn Yamamoto for discovering the book and author, to Jana Nakase-Lee and several volunteers for coordinating the mochi making, and to Kris Sazaki for the photos.
Category: Community Engagement, Events Tags: Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson, The Mochi Makers
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
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727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email officemanager@parkviewpc.org or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.