727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Join the Crop Walk to End Hunger on April 27

Please join us after worship service on Sunday, April 27, 2025, for our annual Church World Service CROP Walk. We will be walking around Southside Park. While 75% of the funds raised will go to support Church World Service’s world-wide mission of assisting in disasters, helping displaced people, addressing hunger and poverty, and advocating for those unable to help themselves, the remaining 25% will support South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership. As you know, some fifteen Parkview members have been volunteering at SSIP since 2022.

Founded in 1946 as an ecumenical approach to rebuilding war-torn Europe and Asia, Church World Service today is a cooperative ministry of 37 denominations, including Presbyterian Church (USA). Click here to read an introduction to CWS. Click here to read an overview of where CWS is active and what it does in each region. CWS provides sustainable self-help, community development, disaster relief, and refugee assistance around the world. Its mission is to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice at the national and international levels through collaboration with partners abroad and in the US. Here in Sacramento, it has long worked with Opening Doors Inc. to resettle refugees.

Click here to register to walk, solicit sponsors, make a donation, or support a walker. To donate by check, please make the check out to CWS/CROP Hunger Walk and add in the note line: “Sac CROP Walk Parkview PC.” Turn the check in to Maurine Huang.