727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

June 22, 2020: “waste my heart on fear no more..”

Tomorrow in our evening bible study, we will explore the theme of “Interrupting Silence” through the story of the Syro-Phonecian woman in Mark 7:24-30. To ease us into the topic, here’s a poem that captures what happened in… Read More

June 20, 2020: Belhar Confession

The Belhar Confession of the Reformed Church has its roots in Apartheid South Africa, but its witness is far reaching. It speaks to the church’s call to respond to injustice, reject division, and strive for reconciliation in all… Read More

Today is Juneteenth

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”  2 Corinthians 3:17 Today is Juneteenth.  Some of you may be wondering what this day actually represents. Juneteenth is the unofficial American holiday, celebrated… Read More

June 18, 2020: By the Oaks of Mamre

Last Sunday Pastor Pamela preached on Genesis 18:1-15, (21:1-7), and she told us about the Oaks of Mamre. I came across this beautiful poem, called “By the Oaks of Mamre,” and I would like to share it with… Read More

June 17, 2020: Bread for the Day

Today’s devotional comes from the book, Bread for the Day. It is a simple format: three selections from scripture, including a psalm, a hymn, and a prayer. You can find each of the scripture selections in your own… Read More

June 16, 2020: To “Let Go”

To everything there is a season . . . . A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to let go. Ecclesiastes 3:6 To “Let Go” To “let go”… Read More

June 15, 2020: Which Way Do I Go?

Paddle boarding is a new hobby I picked up living in Sacramento 15 minutes away from the American river. I went paddle boarding yesterday and I had a plan: I go upstream first and get a workout, and… Read More