727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

June 13, 2020: God’s Revolution

There’s a word we are hearing a lot lately: revolution. As people envision new possibilities for our common life, some of us feel more insecure than ever while others are filled with hope. In the gospels, we find… Read More

June 12, 2020: I Press On Toward the Goal

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14 My daughter, Charlie, received her High School Diploma yesterday.  It was so surreal.  It took place in the parking… Read More

June 11, 2020: Prayer for these Days

Friends, we need to take some time in lament remembering our brothers and sisters who have died and also reflecting on our role in making things right in the future. Let’s pray: “Living God, we confess to You our… Read More

June 10, 2020: In the Image of God

From the first pages of our Holy Bible, we read the story of Creation. God created people in the divine image, a reflection of the beautiful and mysterious diversity within the One God. I remember reflecting with my… Read More

You Raise Me Up

Pattie Hashimoto recently sent me this inspiring video.  It is of the 2020 Ohana Arts cast of “Peace On Your Wings”.  They created a special performance of “You Raise Me Up” which they dedicated to front line workers, first responders,… Read More

June 08, 2020: Letter to the Covidians

Reading 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 will help set the context for the below. 1 Covidians 12:1-11 “Now concerning the wearing of masks, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that in the… Read More

June 6, 2020: Holy Armor

Every time I leave my house, I have a checklist: phone, wallet, keys. I have added a few items since the pandemic reached our community. Mask, hand sanitizer, wipes… I went to a demonstration a few nights ago:… Read More