727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Animals Blessed at Parkview

Pastor Pamela blessed the animals after worship service on October 3, 2021. There were dogs in attendance, but Pastor Pamela also blessed animals via Zoom. Some people also brought photos of their animals to be blessed. Here are… Read More

Blessing of the Animals

Please join us directly after worship service on Sunday, October 3, 2021, for a blessing of the animals. Pastor Pamela will bless all animals, real, stuffed, or imagined, in the courtyard. Click here to read more about this… Read More

Father Juan Francisco Blesses Parkview

As many of you already know, Parkview was vandalized two Sundays in a row, Aug 29 and Sep 5, 2021. Each time, our dear neighbor, Father Juan Francisco of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, came to offer us… Read More

Special Zoom Prayer Time: Tuesday, Aug 31, 6:30 pm

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 Dear Friends, As you all may have heard by now, there was vandalism that took place at Parkview Presbyterian Church this past Sunday, August 29th…. Read More

Celebrating a New Member and Being Together

On Sunday, August 15, 2021, we celebrated the new membership of Jana Nakase-Lee. It was a joyful day! Since we are currently not having coffee hour, we decided to organize an outdoor Pop Tart – Soda Pop –… Read More

Let’s Sign the Introit at Worship Service!

“I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 104:33 Parkview has reopened the church to in-person worship, but we have not yet started singing…. Read More

Parkview Reopened July 25, 2021

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4) After 509 days, Parkview reopened to in-person worship services. It was a beautiful day. Strict protocols have been put in place. Click here to review those… Read More