727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Aloha Sundays are Back!

What are Aloha Sundays? It’s when the congregation wears comfortable island clothing and leis during the month of August, a tradition started years ago to make it easier to handle the August heat. Let’s continue this tradition, even if some… Read More

Special Notice on the Reopening of Parkview July 25, 2021

“For where two or three have gathered togetherin My name, I am there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20) Dear Parkview Family, The reopening of Parkview to in-person worship is upon us! We are fully aware of the surge in… Read More

Parkview Reopens July 25!

We are so happy to announce that Parkview will reopen with in-person worship services starting July 25, 2021. Worship begins at 10 am. Please wear a mask over both nose and mouth. For those of you who will… Read More

Our Fondest Farewell to Veronica Gould

Veronica Gould has been pastoral resident at Parkview since September 2018. She has served our community with grace, patience, and dedication. For her legacy project, Veronica conducted a thorough review of the church register and updated it. The… Read More

Congratulations, Graduates of 2021!

Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you,and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 24:14 We are so proud of our graduates! May God bless their… Read More

The June 5th Chili Chicken Fundraiser was a Hit!

Thank you to all our volunteers who made it happen, to all those who bought bento boxes, and to those who made so many generous donations! We are truly blessed. Many thanks to Maurine Huang for her photos.

Tsuru For Solidarity Rally Scheduled for June 3

Please help spread the word about the upcoming rally in support of Lam Hong Le on June 3, 2021 at the west steps of the State capitol. Supporters will gather with our tsuru (cranes) to show support for… Read More