727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Greetings from the Pryor-Vikaas Family

We are posting greetings from our church family as a way to keep in touch.

Greetings from the Umeda Family

We are posting greetings from our church family in a way to keep in touch.

Aloha Sundays

What are Aloha Sundays? It’s when the congregation wears comfortable island clothing and leis during the month of August, a tradition started years ago to make it easier to handle the August heat. Let’s continue this tradition, even if we’re… Read More

Greetings from the Nishizaki Family

We are posting greetings from our church family in a way to keep in touch.

Photo Club at Anne Rudin Peace Pond

Parkview’s Photo Club met at William Land Park on July 11 and 18 to take photos of the lotuses in bloom at the Anne Rudin Peace Pond. Enjoy the slide show!