727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Mariners 2023 Planning Luncheon

One March 28, the Mariners social group met at Aviators Restaurant to plan the year’s activities. Even the planning meeting was fun! View the slideshow below. Many thanks to Hach Yasumura for the photos.

PPW 2023 Officer Installation and Luncheon

On March 26, 2023, the Parkview Presbyterian Women held their officer installation and luncheon. Rev. Rola Al Ashkar, our beloved former pastoral resident, was the guest pastor and presided over the installation. Ms. Rejie Baloyos, Executive Director of… Read More

Coffee Hour is Back!

When the Covid-19 pandemic closed down our in-person worship services, it also shuttered our beloved coffee hour that followed. Now that Parkview is offering in-person worship again, we are bringing back fellowship time, too. Starting on Sunday, February… Read More

No On-Site Worship Service Jan 1

Happy New Year! There will be no on-site worship service at Parkview on Jan 1. There are still ways to worship:• Worship at Home: worship materials are supplied below.• Visit a local church and enjoy new ways of… Read More

Thanksgiving Showtime #2 Highlights Even More Talent

On Sunday, Nov 13, 2022, Parkview was treated to a second showtime that highlighted the many talents of our Parkview family. From a comedy routine to musical performances and group dancing, there was something for everyone! Click here… Read More

Thanksgiving Showtime #1 Highlights a Diversity of Talent

On Sunday, Nov 6, 2022, Parkview was treated to a showtime that highlighted the many talents of our Parkview family. From poetry recitation and the birth of a butterfly to synchronized swimming and quilts, it was just sensational!… Read More

Parkview Helps Raise Funds for My Sister’s House

On Saturday, Oct 22, 2022, Parkview joined the “In Memory of Marilyn Yee” team in the My Sister’s House 5k Walk/Run. The team raised over $1400, the most funds of any team! Many thanks to Yvonne Fong for… Read More