727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Oct 2020

Rola writes: As you read this, less than three months separate me from the end of my journey at Parkview! It has been a rich journey, in which not only I learned about intercultural ministry but I also… Read More

Aug 2020

With the Pandemic preventing us from seeing the ones we love, a challenge that faced us, pastoral team, is how to continue to provide support to those we do not see often, our elderly in care homes. In… Read More

Jun 2020

Rola writes: One of the hard things about writing a sermon is that you are not supposed to put in there all the Biblical research and study you’ve done while preparing. “But it’s all great information” I tend… Read More

March 2020

“We order our worship first and foremost by the authority of the Word of God, and acknowledge that there is always room to reshape its order as needed as we seek to be ordered by that authority.” (W-2.0102)… Read More

May 2020

It has been hard to discern what God is calling me to in the past couple of months. But it’s become clear to me lately that I am called to start a New Worshipping Community. New Worshipping Community… Read More

Jan 2020

One of the things I still have to decide whether I like or not about California, is the overlapping of seasons. As fall allegedly started, for several weekends I went on hikes hunting for yellow and orange leaves… Read More