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Reflection Nov 17, 2019 by Rola Al Ashkar

Isaiah 65:17-25 Will You Take Part?                      Daniel Simons is a researcher in a field of psychology called visual cognition. His best-known experiment is on attention blindness, also popularly… Read More

Reflection Nov 10, 2019 by Veronica Gould

Haggai 2:3-9 “Rebuilding Year” Today’s scripture reading comes from the Book of the Prophet Haggai. Haggai is one of the twelve minor prophets or smaller prophets found in the Bible. Now Haggai doesn’t come around all that often… Read More

Reflection Oct 27, 2019 by Veronica Gould

Luke 18:9-14 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector”.  We can almost already tell where this parable is going when Jesus begins. There are two people from… Read More

Reflection Oct 13, 2019 by Rola Al Ashkar

Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 Earlier this week, I watched a documentary about certain events in the history of our planet that were crucial to the existence or the extinction of certain species. For example, scientists found out that 66… Read More

Reflection Sep 29, 2019 by Rola Al Ashkar

Jonah 3:10-4:4 Can God repent?           When I lived in Beirut, I lived for around five years in a dorm apartment with 6 other girls. And it was a great experience; we loved that… Read More

Reflection Sep 15, 2019 by Veronica Gould

Luke 15:1-7 “More Joy in Heaven”   It’s 2005. I’m at a family reunion somewhere in rural Georgia. I’m not quite old enough to have my own cell phone. As the family gathered to play board games and… Read More

Reflection Sep 22, 2019 by Rola Al Ashkar

Jonah 4 Jonah… Shade, Worm and Blazing Sun! Like most, I always thought of this story as the story of the man inside the belly of a fish. But there is much more to the story of Jonah… Read More