727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection June 10

by Rola Al Ashkar After the end of the former Lebanese President’s term in May 2014, and until October 2016, the presidential elections failed over and over again to agree on one candidate who gets the consensus of… Read More

Reflection June 3

Reflection June 3, 2108; Mark 2-23-27, 2 Corinthians 4:5-7 Who is the Church for? The European Calvinist theologians Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck knew each other very well and for our terms they were very conservative. Kuyper was… Read More

Reflection May 27

May 27, 2018 (Job 19:25-27 & Acts 9:1-6) – “Seeing God Through Another’s Eyes” by Chelsea Page Can our loved ones rise again? Can they reappear to us? Jesus did. In our Bible story today, Jesus has left… Read More

Reflection Pentecost May 20

Pentecost May 20, 2018 by Chelsea Page “2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” “When” is an interesting word. It is a noncommittal word. It’s like saying, when you ask me,… Read More

Reflection May 13

Luke 24:48-51; Acts 1:4-10 by Rola Al Ashkar When I was a kid, I think I was ten years old when I got my first (and really only) French dictionary for school, and there was in it a… Read More

Reflection April 29

John 15: 1-8; Acts 8:26-34; I John 4:7-21 “Who is this about?” The scholars who chose today’s texts had something in mind. I always assume that. I cannot imagine them just systematically selecting the texts because it was… Read More

Reflection April 22

John 10 The Good Zookeeper by Chelsea Page Let’s try revisiting all this shepherd imagery from Jesus in John chapter 10 and put it in a term we can more easily relate to. Jesus said, “I am the… Read More