727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection April 30

Luke 24: 17, 28-32 Soul-searching We find the men on the road to Emmaus. Emmaus is a little village, but it has become a symbol of mysterious encounter or encounter filled with spiritual promise.  What is interesting is… Read More

Reflection April 23

John 20: 24-28; I Peter 1: 8,9 Heart and Head It’s the week after Easter and we go from the mountain top of faith in God to the shame of the doubt of Thomas.  We don’t think of… Read More

Reflection April 16

Easter; John 20:1-4 Tale as old as time Humanity has a problem. We can live life well, be kind to people, accomplish many things, but ultimately the problem remains: it doesn’t end well.  Comedian Norm McDonald said it… Read More

Reflection April 9

Palm Sunday; Matthew 21: 9-12 Christ enters the city History is riddled with great historic dates. Today we remember one, A.D. 32 approximately.  A date when it looked a fledgling movement had died, but in fact it grew… Read More

Reflection April 2, 2017

Reflection April 2, 2017; Genesis 1: 27; Psalm 130: 5,6; Matthew 10:42 Keeping the faith 5: Recognize your value Today we conclude our Lenten series on Keeping the Faith.  Lent is about keeping faith in and keeping faith… Read More

Reflection March 26

I Samuel 16: 6,7; John 9: 30,32 Keeping the Faith 4: Be receptive Friends, Dutch people have an expression which I am sure I have shared with you before:”What the farmer doesn’t know, he doesn’t eat.”  It’s all… Read More

Reflection March 19

Exodus 17: 2,4; John 4:7,9,10 Keeping the faith 3: Have genuine conversations We are in the third of a series of sermons on keeping the faith. It is all about how to keep the faith when people do… Read More